Terms And General Conditions

Dear user, we invite you to carefully read the General Terms and Conditions governing the marketing and services of products offered by Surprise with Love Inc.. and/or www.surprisewithlove.com

By using the website www.surprisewithlove.com, you accept and agree to these terms and conditions regarding your use of the website. We have placed our Website at your disposal; we reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time without any notification, by only publishing the changes on the Website. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you cannot access it or use the Website in any other way.

The use of this website implies the client is a person with legal capacity to contract. If he/she is underage, we ask him/her not to use our services, and if he/she does so, it will be the responsibility of him/her parents, guardians, managers and therefore it will be considered carried out by them in the exercise of the legal representation they have.

Purchase Procedure through the Website:

To make a purchase, the Customer must access the Web with his/her registration data to the Web if he/she were already registered. Those who wish to make a purchase but have not registered on the Web should create an account providing all the data required.

If the Client does not wish to register on the Web, he/she may also place the order, although he/she will not be able to know the status of his/her orders, nor to add Products to his/her Wishing List or take advantage of promotions made on the Website.

Once on the Web, the Client may select from among all the Products available on the Web that or those Products he/she wishes to acquire. To do this, he/she must click on the “Add to Cart” section and indicate the number of units he/she wants to add. By default, one Product unit will be added.

Once the Client has added all the Products he wishes to purchase; he must access the “Basket” where he will be shown all the Products the Customer has added to the Basket. The Customer may opt, if he/she desires, eliminate all or some of the Products in the Basket. To proceed with the purchase of the Products, the Customer must provide the information required in each of the steps that will be shown regarding the order, invoicing, shipping and payment.

The lack of supply of any mandatory information requested will make it impossible to process the order made by the Client. Once he has provided all the required information, the Customer will see a screen containing the summary of the order, including the shipping costs, with the request confirming the present General Conditions of Sale and the Privacy Policy.

Once he/she has verified that everything is correct, and has accepted the Sale General Conditions, he/she must validate the box “Confirm purchase” by which the Client gives his consent for SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., to  proceed to collect the amount indicated in the order provided that the Products selected by the Customer are available when ordering.

Once the SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., has proof of the effective payment of the order amount, it will proceed to send a confirmation email to the Client. Likewise, you can consult and track the order made in the “My account” section of your personal account on the Web. Once the order has been confirmed, if the Customer wishes to modify the purchase order, he/she can do so through the modification procedure enabled in his/her personal account. In particular, the Customer may modify the Products quantity he/she wants to buy, by adding or eliminating one or more Products from the Basket.

Once the payment has been made, the Customer can only cancel the order while it is pending. If the order has already been processed, the Customer cannot cancel the order without prejudice to the possibility that the latter has to exercise the right of withdrawal.

Payment Methods
The customer will make the payment on this website by authorized credit or debit card. Even when the SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., through its CONVERSE service provider, makes available to the client a secure connection system for all the realization of all the offers’ purchase, in no case will SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., be responsible for the failures in the communications of the banking or credit entities, as well as the damages caused to the users when an action or omission of said entities occurs. Once SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., verifies the payment, you can proceed to the acceptance of the Purchase Offer. To avoid any fraud, the client must notify SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., of any fraudulent movement in the card used to purchase the offer, by e-mail or by telephone, in the shortest time possible in order to make the necessary arrangements.

Despite our attempts to improve our fraud detection systems, we cannot fully guarantee that an operation that is not fraudulent is not qualified as fraudulent. In the event that the Client is affected and is denied an operation in an incorrect manner, please indicate it to us through the contact means provided in these General Conditions of Sale so that we can respond to your request as soon as possible.

Also, note that suppliers or issuers of the payment means used may have adopted other anti-fraud measures not controlled by the SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., and entailing the rejection of certain operation types. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., does not control nor is it responsible for the damages that may be caused by the application of the policies approved by the different providers or issuers of payment means.

All Products of SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., offered through the Website are shown in detail on the Website in each of the sections enabled for each of the categories, news or promotions. Entering the section “Detailed information” of each of the Products, you can see the characteristics of the Product.

The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., puts all its efforts so that all the Products offered on the Website are available and only are shown the Products whose stocks are available. However, it is possible that one of our Products is not available at the time of placing the order, a circumstance that will be brought to the attention of the Customer when placing the order.

The indicated price of the Products is the price at which SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., offers its Products through the Website. This price does not include taxes applying to you. Shipping costs are not included in the Product price, which is indicated in detail during the purchase process.

Shipping and Delivery:

The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., only processes orders for products and/or services having as the delivery place Orlando, Florida USA.

Therefore, there will be no delivery of products and/or services whose destination is different to the indicated coverage area above. Our website offers some very-elaborated products which cannot be easily handled at the time of transport, before making your purchase make sure the SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., can make the delivery of your order; any order having as a destination a different area will be automatically cancelled. To see the products or services that may be sent outside the coverage area, please send an email to info@surprisewithlove.com or call at SURPRISE WITH LOVE at 4079128092.

The Surprise with Love Inc. will deliver the products, once the corresponding purchase offer is accepted, and provided that the terms and conditions of payment have been determined in advance and no causes appear other than the will of Surprise with Love Inc., that could delay the delivery, as any fortuitous event or force majeure. The products that are the subject of the sale will be delivered to the address indicated by the customer when making his purchase. It is understood that any person who is at the address where the delivery must be made, is duly authorized by the client to receive his order, and therefore Surprise with Love Inc., is exempt from any responsibility for the delivery that is made, provided that is done at the address registered on the website. If no one receives the order at the indicated address, the Surprise with Love Inc., will proceed to leave it at the door of the same address, and the client will be informed immediately by telephone.

The Surprise with Love Inc., will not refund money for cancellations made 8 hours before delivery and will not as well make money refunds for personalized items, or for products left at the recipient’s door and which were not picked up by the same.

The shipping costs will be detailed in the summary order, placed on the Website by the Customer before proceeding to the payment and the said shipping costs will be in charge of the buyer as well as taxes.

Deliveries will be made within a period of no less than 24 hours from the moment the payment is accepted and deliveries will not be made on Sundays. It is possible that this period may be extended without, in any case, exceeding the period of 48 hours after the order confirmation.
In the event Surprise with Love Inc., through the courier company had not made the delivery within the indicated period, the Customer will indicate this to Surprise with Love Inc., so that it may establish an additional period appropriate to the circumstances.

The delivery will be made through the courier company. The home delivery schedule will be from Monday to Friday (working days) from 7 am to 7 pm. There are no deliveries on Sundays or on those days that are holidays at the delivery place of the order. At the time of delivery, the recipient will not have to pay any expenses to the transport company since the Customer has already paid the shipping costs of the order at the time of formalizing the purchase.
The Surprise with Love Inc., will send an email or a text message with the shipment confirmation to the buyer when his/her order is going to leave the warehouse and additionally it will send the confirmation of the satisfactory delivery at the place of destiny.

Property Rights. Between you and the Surprise with Love Inc., Surprise with Love Inc., is the sole and exclusive owner of all Website rights, title and interests, of all content (including, for example, audio, photographs, illustrations, graphics, other media visuals, videos, copies, texts, etc.). The Website use does not give you ownership of any of the contents, codes, data or materials you may access at or through the Website.

Limited License. You may access and view the Website content from your computer or any other device and, unless otherwise stated in these Terms and Conditions or on the Website, make individual copies or impressions of the Website content for your personal, internal use only. The Website use and the services offered on, or through the Website are solely for your personal, non-commercial use.

Prohibited Use. Any distribution, publication or commercial or promotional exploitation of the Website, or any of the contents, codes, data or materials on the Website is strictly prohibited unless you have received prior express written permission from  Surprise with Love Inc., authorized personnel or any other applicable rights holder. Unless it is expressly allowed for in this contract, you cannot inform, expose, publish, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works of this Website, sell or otherwise exploit any of the contents, codes, data or materials available through the Website. You further agree not to alter, edit, delete, remove, or otherwise change the meaning or appearance of, or change the purpose of, any of the content, codes, data or materials on or available through the Website, including without limitation, the alteration or removal of any trademark, registered trademark, logo, service mark or any other property content or notification of property rights. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any property rights by downloading any copyrighted material from or through the Website. If you make any other use of the Website, or of the contents, codes, data or materials found there or that are available through the Surprise with Love Inc.,  Website, unless otherwise stated, you may violate the copyright  laws and other United States laws  and from other countries, as well as applicable state laws, and you may be subject to legal liability for such unauthorized use.

Trademarks: The trademarks, logos, service marks, trademarks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Website or in the contents available through the Website are Surprise with Love Inc., Trademarks, registered and unregistered, and others, and cannot be used for products and/or services not related, associated or sponsored by their rights holders or that may cause confusion to customers, or in some way denigrate or discredit their rights holders. All Trademarks other than Surprise with Love Inc., appearing on the Website or on or through the Website services, if any, are the property of their respective owners.

User Information. During your use of the Website and/or the services made available to you on or through the Website, you may be asked to provide us with certain personalized information (such information hereinafter “User Information”). The policies of use and collection of information of Surprise with Love Inc., regarding the privacy of said User Information are established in the Privacy Policy of the Website, which is incorporated into it as a reference for all purposes. You acknowledge and agree to be solely responsible for the accuracy of the content of the User Information.

  • The Monitoring Right and Editorial Control. The Surprise with Love Inc., reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor and/or review all materials sent to the Website or through the services or articles of the Website by users, and Surprise with Love Inc., is not responsible for said materials sent by users.
  • Private or Delicate Information in Public Articles. It is important to remember that the comments presented in a forum can be recorded and stored in multiple places, both on our website and elsewhere on the Internet, which can be accessed for a long time and there is no control over who will read them eventually. It is therefore important you be careful and be selective about the personal information you disclose about yourself and others, and in particular, you should not disclose sensitive, proprietary or confidential information in your comments on our Public Articles.
  • Links to the Website. You agree that if you include a link from any other website to the Surprise with Love Inc., Website, the link will open in a new browser window and link to the full version of an HTML formatted page of this Website.  You are not permitted to link directly to any image stored on the Website or in our services, such as using an “on-line” linking method to cause the image stored by us to be displayed on another website. You agree not to download or use images stored on this Website on another website, for any purpose, including, without limitation, posting such images on another website. We reserve all of our rights under the law to insist that any link to the Website be discontinued and to revoke your right to link to the Website from any other website, at any time when we send you written notice.
  • Products and Services Orders. We can make certain products available to visitors and registered users of the Website. If you order any product, you represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older. You are obliged to pay the full price of any purchase you make, through the virtual store www.surprisewithlove.com  You are obligated to pay all applicable taxes.Third Parties Web Sites. You can link the Website to third-party websites and third parties can link to the Website (“Linked Sites”). You acknowledge and agree that we have no responsibility for the information, content, products, services, advertisements, codes or other materials that may or may not be provided by or through the Linked Sites, even if they are owned by or are directed by our affiliates. The links to Linked Sites do not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of said websites or of the information, content, products, services, advertisements, codes or other materials presented on or through said websites. The inclusion of any link to such sites on our Site does not imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of that SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC. site. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC declines any responsibility for the links (1) of another website to this Website and (2) to another website from this Website. SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC cannot guarantee the standards of any website to which links are provided on this Website, nor will the  SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC be responsible for the contents of such sites, or any subsequent links. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., does not represent or guarantee that the contents of the website of any third party are accurate, comply with the copyright laws or other intellectual property laws. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC.,  is also not responsible for any form of transmission received from any linked website. Any trust placed in the contents of a third-party website is made at your own risk and you assume all the responsibilities and consequences resulting from such trust.
  • WARRANTIES DISCLAIMER  The website, including, without limitation, all services, contents, functions and materials provided through the website, are provided “as is”, “as they are made available”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any guarantee of information, data, data processing services, unlimited or uninterrupted access, any guarantee with respect to availability, interpretability, non-interpretability, accuracy, precision, rectitude, perfection, conclusion, utility, or content of information, and any guarantee of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and hereby we disclaim any and all such warranties, express and implied. We do not guarantee that the website or services, contents, functions or materials provided through the website are timely, safe, uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects are corrected. We do not guarantee that the website or that the services provided meet the requirements of users. No advice, results or information, whether oral or written, that you obtain from us through the website will create any warranty that has not been expressly set forth herein. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., does not assume any responsibility, and will not be responsible for any damage to, or any virus that could infect your computer because of your access to, use of, or browsing of the website or by downloading any of the materials , data, texts, images, video content or audio content of the website. If you are not satisfied with the website, your only solution is to discontinue the website use.We try to ensure the information published on the website is correct and up-to-date. We reserve the right to change or make corrections to any information provided on the website at any time and without prior notice. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or veracity of any opinion, advice or statement on the website, or any publication offensive, defamatory, obscene, indecent, illegal or violatory made in it by any user.
  • Finalization. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., may terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any Website aspect or services at any time. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., may restrict, suspend or terminate your access to the Website and/or its services if we believe you are in breach of our terms and conditions or applicable law, or for any other reason without notice or liability. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., maintains a policy stipulating the termination, in appropriate circumstances, of the privileges of use of the Website for users who are repetitive violators of intellectual property rights.
  • Changes to Terms of Use. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of the Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, at any time. Changes to the Terms and Conditions will be effective when they are posted. The continued use of the Website and/or the services made available on or through the Website after any change has been published will be considered as acceptance of those changes.

Use And Privacy Policies

The # COMPANY # INC is used to protect your privacy. This privacy policy explains our collection of information and dissemination practices. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., at the email address listed at the end of this privacy policy.

  1. We collect a limited amount of personal information about you in certain areas of the www.surprisewithlove.com website for several reasons. The following is a description of the information collected:Registration Information. Registration may be necessary to use certain areas of the Website. When you register on the website, we ask you for some personal information items. All this information is used to offer a more personal and relevant experience for the users of the Website.IP addresses. An IP address is a number assigned to your computer when you connect to the Internet. As part of the Internet protocol, web servers can identify your computer by its IP address. In addition, web servers may be able to identify the type of browser and/or the type of equipment you are using. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC., collects IP addresses and related information for managing the system, to evaluate traffic to the website and to maintain and improve the website. We do not link IP addresses to your personally identifiable information. We may use IP addresses, however, to identify a user when we believe it is necessary to enforce our terms and conditions of the website or to protect our service, the Web, customers or others.The use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that some websites (including the Web) transfer to an individual’s hard drive for research purposes. The  SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC uses cookies to analyze traffic, like the total number of visitors and pages visited on the website, and to make improvements based on the data we collect.The use of cookies has become a standard in the industry, especially on websites that offer any type of personalized service. Most browsers are initially prepared to accept cookies. Generally, you can configure your browser to refuse cookies or indicate when a cookie is sent. If you reject cookies, you may not be able to use some of the functions of the Website. Advertisers of the website and other partners may also use cookies in connection with the services and websites to which the website links. We have no control over these cookies.
  2. SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC collects the information described above through the Web. In the case of third-party features, such as advertising, branding areas or links to other websites, these third parties may also collect information. You must review these third parties privacy policies before providing personally identifiable information. SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC is not responsible for the actions or policies of those third parties.
  3. The information is used and shared.In general, SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC uses the registration information to obtain more information about how visitors use the Website and to measure the areas of interest. This helps to build features and functions that will improve your web experience. If you wish to do so when you register, the registration information may also be used to send you information about the new features and services of the website or offered by SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC or to send you information about providers of third-party selected products or services.We may also use this information to respond to email messages, customer service, enforce our Website Terms and Conditions or other similar issues. The added information is also used to help us to manage and maintain the website, to study traffic patterns and, in general, to learn about the use of the Web.Companies not related to SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC eventually share limited customer information with companies that we hire to provide operational marketing or advertising support, companies helping us to distribute our products and services, or companies offering products and services  we want to offer. The companies we choose must satisfy our security and privacy needs. We share your information with these companies only if they agree to treat it confidentially and only if it is legally permitted to do so. We limit the information we provide to these companies to what we have reason to believe that they “need to know” in relation to their agreement with # COMPANY # INC and we do not allow them to use our customer information for any activity beyond our control or oversight.
  4. OPTIONS IN THE COLLECTION, use and distribution of information. At the time of registration, you may be given an option if you wish to receive information about the new features, events, offers and special coverage on the website and about special offers from SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC. When registering, you must click on a box if you do not wish to receive any information. Unless you affirmatively do not wish to receive these materials, your registration information may be used to send you this information.It is important to know that the user may inadvertently provide personally identifiable information to third parties through their messages or participation in a chat session and we have no way to limit the use of the information they provide. Please keep in mind that whenever you provide personal information online (for example in chat sessions) that information can be collected and used by people you do not know. While we strive to protect the personal information and privacy of our users, we cannot guarantee the security of the information you voluntarily disclose online and you do so at your own risk.
  5. Whom you can share information with. Except for the options described above, we will not knowingly disclose or authorize the disclosure of personally identifiable information (other than added statistical information) with any third party without your consent unless (1) we have reason to believe that disclosing this Information is necessary to identify, contact or take legal action against someone who may have violated our Website Terms and Conditions or who may be causing harm or interfering (whether intentionally or otherwise) with the rights or property of # COMPANY # or others users of the Website, or of any other person that could be harmed by said activities or (2) we believe in good faith that the law requires it.
  6. With those under 18 years of age, the SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC does not collect or accept personally identifiable information from a person under the age of 18 without the prior consent of his/her parents or guardians. The SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC will also allow the parent or guardian of a registered user with the age of 18 to review, update, change, delete or refuse to permit further collection of all information collected by the website. Personally identifiable information of a minor will be treated with the same care and respect as the information of an adult. To change, update, revise, delete or refuse to allow further collection of your child’s information, please send an email to info@surprisewithlove.com or call SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC at 4079128092.
  7. Links to other websites. While you are using the Web, you may be linked to or directed to other third-party websites outside the Web that are outside the control of SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC. Each of these third parties may have a privacy policy different from that of SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC. SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC is not responsible for the actions or policies of those third parties. You must review the privacy policies of these third-party websites before providing personally identifiable information.
  8. How can you change, correct your registration information. If you wish to change, correct, update or delete your registration information, please contact us by email at info@surprisewithlove.com or call SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC at 4079128092.
  9. SECURITY PROCEDURES we use. We are very concerned about the security of your personally identifiable information and great care in providing a secure transmission of your information from your computer to our servers. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us.

Once we receive your information, we take appropriate measures we believe are reasonable to protect the security of your data in our system to ensure the integrity of the data we collect.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the SURPRISE WITH LOVE INC Privacy Policy, send an email to info@surprisewithlove.com or call 4079128092.